Hace unas semanas tuve el privilegio de asistir a una presentación magistral de Hans Eben Oyanedel en el marco de la celebración del día del Ingeniero Comercial en la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa maría, que sin duda es la mejor que he visto, tanto con el contenido como en el dinamismo y la capacidad de mantener la atención.
En cada diapositiva aparecía una frase y una imagenr relacionada, hablaba de temas como la economía actual, hasta al rol de la familia que tiene en el crecimiento y en las futuras generaciones, pasando porque la imagen de la familia feliz con un perro y una hermosa casa no la veríamos más y será reemplazada por la de un hombre que vive solo, sale del trabajo, va a ver a su perro y deja la comida rápida para entrar a restaurantes donde pueda sociabilizar un poco, ver televisión y esperar un buen rato por su comida, para luego comer, volver a casa a ver televisión con su perro y dormir para ir al día siguiente al trabajo.
El trabajo tampoco será el mismo que conocemos hasta ahora, ya que la tendencia dice que ya no se hace todo lo que dice el jefes, sino que se valora que los trabajadores hagan aportes, tengan opinión y ellos mismos tampoco trabajarán ocho horas en una empresa, sino que harán sus respectivas labores para trabajar en más de una empresa, incluyendo las propias.
Al parecer todo marcha en ese camino, pero hay que tener claro el rol de la familia en esta nueva sociedad, ya que sin ella el mundo se transformaría en algo totalmente individualista y donde a mi juicio nos alejaríamos un poco de la felicidad que provoca ver a los hijos crecer y tener una abundante vida social.
Hablaba también del caso Particular de Chile, donde la natalidad está disminuyendo, los divorcios son más comunes que los matrimonios y cada vez llegan más inmigrantes de nuestros países vecinos.... hacia el año 2384 el país estará habitado solamente por peruanos, bolivianos y argentinos.
Otro punto importante que trató fue su posición a favor de la fusión entre grandes empresas Chilenas, por ejemplo habló del intento fallido de fusión entre D&S y Falabella, que hubiera generado uno de los retailers más importantes de sudamérica y hubiera traído mucho trabajo y divisas al país. La Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE) decidió no autorizar esa fusión producto de la concentración de mercado que se produciría en Chile en el caso de provocarse, sin embargo pensando a largo plazo, la postura de Hans Eben es muy cierta.
Cambiando el tema: para el que quiera hacer una presentación exitosa y le cuesta un poco, las diapositivas pueden jugar un gran rol, ya que Hans no era un "animador" ni nada por el estilo, era un hombre con mucha experiencia y que sabía hacer que las diapositivas tuvieran un gran rol en su favor.
Ahora a buscar la frase y las imágenes adecuadas y a ensayar para dejar a todos anonadados.
A few weeks ago I was privileged to attend a lecture by Hans Eben Oyanedel within the framework of the celebration of Day Commercial Engineer at the Technical University Federico Santa Maria, which is undoubtedly the best I've seen, both the content and the dynamism and the ability to maintain attention.
In each slide appeared a phrase and a ImagenR related, talked about issues like the economy, to the role of the family on growth and future generations, passing it the image of a happy family with a dog and a beautiful house would not see more and will be replaced by a man who lives alone, leave work, going to see your dog and let the fast food restaurants where you can go to socialize a little, watch TV and wait a while fortheir food, then eat, go home and watch TV and sleep with your dog to go to work the next day.
The work will not be the same we know so far, as the trend says it is not all it says the Chiefs, but that workers value their input, have their own opinion and not work eight hours in a company but will their efforts to work on more than one company, including your own.
It seems everything is going in this direction, but we must be clear about the role of family in this new society, because without it the world would be transformed into something totally individualistic and where I believe we turn away a bit of happiness to see results children grow and have a rich social life.
He also spoke of the particular case of Chile, where the birthrate is declining, divorces are more common than marriages and increasingly more immigrants arrive from neighboring countries .... by the year 2384 the country will be inhabited only by Peruvians, Bolivians and Argentines.
Another important point discussed was his position in favor of the merger between large firms in Chile, for example, spoke of the failed merger attempt between D & S and Falabella, which would have created one of the retailers most important in South America and had brought a lot of work and foreign exchangecountry. The National Economic Prosecutor (FNE) decided not to allow the fusion product of market concentration that would occur in Chile in the case provoked, but thinking long term, the position of Hans Eben is very true.
Changing the subject: for those who want to make a successful presentation and it costs a bit, the slides can play a big role, and that Hans was not a "cheerleader" or anything like that, he was a very experienced and knew make slides have a big role in his favor.
Now to find the appropriate words and images and to try to leave everyone stunned....
In each slide appeared a phrase and a ImagenR related, talked about issues like the economy, to the role of the family on growth and future generations, passing it the image of a happy family with a dog and a beautiful house would not see more and will be replaced by a man who lives alone, leave work, going to see your dog and let the fast food restaurants where you can go to socialize a little, watch TV and wait a while fortheir food, then eat, go home and watch TV and sleep with your dog to go to work the next day.
The work will not be the same we know so far, as the trend says it is not all it says the Chiefs, but that workers value their input, have their own opinion and not work eight hours in a company but will their efforts to work on more than one company, including your own.
It seems everything is going in this direction, but we must be clear about the role of family in this new society, because without it the world would be transformed into something totally individualistic and where I believe we turn away a bit of happiness to see results children grow and have a rich social life.
He also spoke of the particular case of Chile, where the birthrate is declining, divorces are more common than marriages and increasingly more immigrants arrive from neighboring countries .... by the year 2384 the country will be inhabited only by Peruvians, Bolivians and Argentines.
Another important point discussed was his position in favor of the merger between large firms in Chile, for example, spoke of the failed merger attempt between D & S and Falabella, which would have created one of the retailers most important in South America and had brought a lot of work and foreign exchangecountry. The National Economic Prosecutor (FNE) decided not to allow the fusion product of market concentration that would occur in Chile in the case provoked, but thinking long term, the position of Hans Eben is very true.
Changing the subject: for those who want to make a successful presentation and it costs a bit, the slides can play a big role, and that Hans was not a "cheerleader" or anything like that, he was a very experienced and knew make slides have a big role in his favor.
Now to find the appropriate words and images and to try to leave everyone stunned....
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