He tenido el privilegio de nacer en Temuco, una ciudad que a mi juicio goza de todos los servicios que requiere una gran ciudad, y que a la vez carece de las complicaciones de gasto en tiempos de transporte, tacos y delincuencia propia de las grandes ciudades.
Además de lo mencionado en el primer párrafo, Temuco se encuentra ubicado en una zona con paisajes y naturaleza maravillosos, donde se puede disfrutar de deportes de invierno y de verano, dependiendo de la estación.
Se encuentra cercano a lagos místicos, a muchos volcanes a especies arbóreas propias de la zona, a innumerables fuentes termales, y una vegetación esplendorosa.
La gente es muy agradable, amable y relajada y hay una raza propia de la zona que es un ícono en Chile y en el mundo de la resistencia a la entrada de otras culturas.
hasta el día de hoy mantienen su lengua propia y nunca fueron derrotados por los colonizadores.
Todo esto se confabula para crear una zona con un enorme potencial turístico a nivel mundial que hasta el día de hoy no ha sido explotado.
Basta con mostrar al mundo las maravillas de la naturaleza que hay en este lugar, para poder diferenciarse y poder atraer a turistas de diversos confines.
Al menos dentro de Chile la Araucanía presenta una identidad propia y la Zona Lacustre, donde se encuentra Villarrica y Pucón atrae a miles de turistas en el verano.
Según la experiencia propia se constata que en el invierno no es así y eso es lo que se debe explotar dentro de los próximos años, con tal de que pueda asistir gente de zonas más lejanas.
Además de la Zona lacustre la región tiene mucho que mostrar, como lo es la misma ciudad de Temuco en la que hay que potenciar el cerro Ñielol, las comunas cordilleranas que pueden sacarle mayor partido a sus parques nacionales especialmente para la gente que gusta de hacer deportes como el Trekking o Mountain Bike, para lo cual son ideales.
También hay comunas con alto porcentaje de población de origen Mapuche, como lo es por ejemplo Chol Chol. Durante el verano fui a esa ciudad esperando encontrar mayor desarrollo turístico que tenga que ver con la cultura Mapuche, ya sea compartiendo con ella, mostrando sus artesanías, su gastronomía, su forma de vivir original, su historia, pero la verdad es que sólo me encontré con casas. Por lo que sueño con que se potencie lo dicho anteriormente o sino sueño con poder crear algún proyecto en que se explote el turismo que tenga que ver con el pueblo Mapuche, que sin duda representa una enorme riqueza cultural para nuestro país y región.
Creo que aún hay un largo camino por recorrer, pese a tener una ciudad ya posicionada internacionalmente como un destino turístico, como lo es el caso de Pucón.
Algunos links de interés son:
http://www.millantun.tk (Lo que tengo para arrendar en Villarrica y Lican Ray).
I had the privilege of being born in Temuco, a city which I believe has all the services required by a large city, and while it lacks the complications of spending on transport times, tacos and crime of large cities own .
Apart from the above in the first paragraph, Temuco is located in an area with wonderful scenery and nature, where you can enjoy winter sports and summer, depending on the season.
Located near mystical lakes, volcanoes, many tree species native to the area, countless hot springs, and magnificent vegetation.
The people are very nice, friendly and relaxed and there is a breed native to the area that is an icon in Chile and worldwide resistance to the entry of other cultures.
today to maintain their own language and were never defeated by the colonists.
All this conspires to create an area with enormous potential for tourism worldwide until today has not been exploited.
Just show the world the wonders of nature that exist in this place means to differentiate and to attract tourists from various corners.
At least in the Araucanía Chile has its own identity and the Lake Zone, which houses Villarrica and Pucon attracts thousands of tourists in the summer.
According to the experience itself is found that in winter is not so and that is what must be exploited within the next few years, so that people can go further afield.
In addition to the lake area the region has much to show, as is the city of Temuco in which one must promote the hill Ñielol, by mountain communes can get more out of their national parks especially for people who like to do sports like trekking or mountain biking, for which are ideal.
There are also districts with high percentage of Mapuche origin, such as for example Chol Chol.During the summer I went to the city hoping to find more tourist development that has to do with the Mapuche culture, either sharing with her, displaying their crafts, gastronomy, original way of life, its history, but the truth is that just me found homes. As I dream to be enhanced but the above or dream you can create a project in which exploiting the tourism that has to do with the Mapuche people, which undoubtedly represents a huge cultural wealth for our country and region.
I think there is still a long way to go, despite having a city already positioned internationally as a tourist destination, as is the case of Pucón.
Some links of interest:
http://www.millantun.tk (What I have to rent in Villarrica and Lican Ray).
Apart from the above in the first paragraph, Temuco is located in an area with wonderful scenery and nature, where you can enjoy winter sports and summer, depending on the season.
Located near mystical lakes, volcanoes, many tree species native to the area, countless hot springs, and magnificent vegetation.
The people are very nice, friendly and relaxed and there is a breed native to the area that is an icon in Chile and worldwide resistance to the entry of other cultures.
today to maintain their own language and were never defeated by the colonists.
All this conspires to create an area with enormous potential for tourism worldwide until today has not been exploited.
Just show the world the wonders of nature that exist in this place means to differentiate and to attract tourists from various corners.
At least in the Araucanía Chile has its own identity and the Lake Zone, which houses Villarrica and Pucon attracts thousands of tourists in the summer.
According to the experience itself is found that in winter is not so and that is what must be exploited within the next few years, so that people can go further afield.
In addition to the lake area the region has much to show, as is the city of Temuco in which one must promote the hill Ñielol, by mountain communes can get more out of their national parks especially for people who like to do sports like trekking or mountain biking, for which are ideal.
There are also districts with high percentage of Mapuche origin, such as for example Chol Chol.During the summer I went to the city hoping to find more tourist development that has to do with the Mapuche culture, either sharing with her, displaying their crafts, gastronomy, original way of life, its history, but the truth is that just me found homes. As I dream to be enhanced but the above or dream you can create a project in which exploiting the tourism that has to do with the Mapuche people, which undoubtedly represents a huge cultural wealth for our country and region.
I think there is still a long way to go, despite having a city already positioned internationally as a tourist destination, as is the case of Pucón.
Some links of interest:
http://www.millantun.tk (What I have to rent in Villarrica and Lican Ray).
3 comentarios:
Buena critica, no tendremos la torre Eiffel, las piramides, la torre de pisa,la escultura del monte Rushmore , etc. Pero somos más afortunados con la cultura, los parajes y fenomenos naturales, que se presentan en nuestra Zona. Hay que ver y sentir lo que es, para dimensioanr la magnitud de estar cerca del fin del mundo que gracias a esta zona templadad lluviosa genera vida a destajo.
Corrijo *Glosa
Habrá que trabajar duro para sacar adelante al resto de la Araucanía que no sea ZL.
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