Blog dedicated to presenting our thoughts and comments to facts that are relevant both for me and for society Blog dedicado a presentar nuestros pensamientos y comentarios a hechos que considero relevantes tanto para mi como para la sociedad.
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
Araucanía: La región con los peores índices de Chile
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
"Me siento gordo/a "
- "Voy a hacer deporte para verme mejor, ¡Hoy comenzaré por trotar!"
- "Seré más exhaustivo en mi alimentación para lograr efectos en mi cuerpo, disminuiré el consumo de grasas."
- "Me veo bien, sin embargo puedo verme mucho mejor, así que trotaré día por medio"
- "Ésta comida no es la más adecuada para mis objetivos físicos, por lo que reduciré el consumo de azúcar."
For the same reason I recommend avoiding this phrase and replace it with sentences like:
"I will exercise to look better, start by jogging today!"
"I will be more thorough in my power to achieve effects on my body, decrease fat intake."
"I look good, however I can see much better, so every other day trotaré"
"This food is not the best for my physical targets, thus reducing consumption of sugar."
In short, this is to think positive things that affect our mental state and that includes when and how to attack the problem as to say I feel fat or overweight, only a diagnosis, but no proposals are made to combat the problem in many cases is not even something visible to other people.
This can be extrapolated to any life situation that is causing us some discomfort or distress.
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
Resultado de los conflictos
Insumo: Se aplica a las empresas de servicios
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
Fenómeno visto en clases: Pesimismo

Hoy en la clase de Espíritu Empresarial se hizo un ejercicio que consistía en que cada alumno decía una frase para a nivel agregado formar una historia.
The idea of the activity was to develop the right hemisphere that has to do with creativity and that is something the engineers working in the area less than the rational and logical.
I was impressed by the activity in each story was someone who said something tragic, related to death, suffering, injury, among others. I began to relate what I've been reading lately related to NLP and I think it is good to be aware of death and misfortune that may occur such as those presented in the stories, however when talking about bad things, predisposes the person failure and those critical situations, therefore is not optimistic and is not good for the enterprise.
Thus, one must think with ambition to succeed, considering also the aspects that could cause problems, however the focus should be on the success always.
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Japón vs China: El impacto para Chile
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010
Misión y Visión
Quizá muchos no entiendan a que me refiero con el título de ésta entrada, pero a grandes rasgos Misión es el propósito de algo, ya sea de una empresa, institución, etc.
Vision is what you want to be (must be reachable).
In this case speak of the mission and vision of this blog. Surely this should have been the first inning, but this year the reactive and completely changed the mission for what I thought before, and the vision is clear.
Why is there this blog? (Mission)
The existence of this blog is due to the need I have to leave my thoughts, opinions and contributions set out in a place where all could see and where to stay in time regardless if I exist or not. These thoughts are related to everyday situations in life, but mainly focused on career-related topics I'm studying Engineering Business, where there are issues of administration, finance, human resources, operations, economics, piscología, sociology, etc. .. .. (It is a very broad career).
What I intend with this blog? (Vision)
No doubt I want is to be thousands of people who read it constantly, and thus fame and not go unnoticed in this world, besides being a real contribution to those who read it, giving ideas to make comments and create a forum of opinion than to inform specific issues and fostered a culture of entrepreneurship and leave a footprint on the earth, where our descendants can live much better than us.
Experiencia personal (En transcurso): Conflictos
sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010
Chile en el Bicentenario
viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010
Preguntas existenciales
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
El impacto de como decimos las cosas
Los Factores de Exito de Finlandia
Hace unas semanas nos visitó un especialista de Finlandia que nos dio a conocer cuáles son los factores de éxito de esa nación, y cómo ha avanzado en el desarrollo de sus políticas de educación e innovación. Finlandia ha sido considerado en diversos informes, como el primer o segundo país en el desarrollo de tecnología, educación y economía.
¿Cómo, con cinco millones de habitantes, ha logrado semejante progreso? La respuesta es una interesante estrategia respecto a las TIC’s y en su política educacional
La política de desarrollo de este país descansa sobre la sociedad del conocimiento y en la necesidad de la educación continua. El camino del éxito se sostuvo en reestructurar el sector público, tomando como base la administración y las herramientas que puedan reutilizase. Para ello, se desarrolló un plan de acción nacional basado en grandes pilares: el “Life Long Learning” (aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida), la implementación de un sistema nacional de innovación, el incremento de la investigación y desarrollo (I+D), y ser considerado un laboratorio de aplicaciones de la sociedad de información. Este plan tuvo varios factores de éxito definidos por el parlamento finlandés. Estos son: la influencia de la globalización, explotar al máximo la información y la tecnología, el desarrollo del aspecto humano, la innovación, y la implementación de ellas en materia de gobierno y vida.
Entre 1999 y 2002, Finlandia implementó un programa de políticas basadas en la sociedad de información. La estabilidad política y el acuerdo de los diversos sectores, permitió esta gran revolución. Actualmente, esto se traduce en la aplicación de los beneficios de la sociedad de información. Es así como se produjo un cambio en la economía, que pasó de centrarse en factores productivos, a desarrollar aplicaciones y servicios basados en la sociedad del conocimiento.
El parlamento finlandés, a través del “Comité para el Futuro”, estableció las bases de su actual desarrollo, sosteniendo que, para lograr el cambio que se requiere, la educación debe centrarse en un aprendizaje más activo. Esto originó que las instituciones ofrecieran “educación a distancia”. Así, se generó material institucional, software y hardware que hicieron más amistosos los ambientes educativos y se construyó un soporte para el proceso de enseñanza.
Sin embargo, todo este avance no serviría si los profesores no contaban con las competencias necesarias, ni con el suficiente liderazgo para implementar las transformaciones. A partir de ello, comenzó una significativa producción de material de estudios y el desarrollo de herramientas electrónicas. Esto, permite que los profesores dispongan de distintas alternativas formativas, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. Se dio gran énfasis en la responsabilidad del liderazgo pedagógico en las facultades de educación, se consideró que es de suma importancia comprender que éste es un proceso de desarrollo que hay que administrar, y estos cambios requieren del trabajo de equipos de profesores.
Así mismo, se implementó un sistema de aprendizaje conjunto entre las empresas del sector de las TIC’s, las compañías que prestan servicios al mundo educacional, las universidades y los politécnicos o institutos tecnológicos, la educación secundaria y primaria. Para lograr esta interacción, han desarrollado una pirámide de competencias básicas requeridas según el nivel en que se encuentre la persona. A ello se suman, un sistema de educación flexible, cursos pequeños de desarrollo, implementación de universidades virtuales, desarrollo y generación de conocimiento, nuevos negocios y servicios de aprendizaje. A todos estos elementos se le añade la investigación, pues los cruza transversalmente.
Los finlandeses han entendido que es importante focalizarse en el proceso de creación del conocimiento de los individuos, las organizaciones y las diferentes comunidades. En síntesis, la sociedad es la que está cambiando. Es así como, el foco de atención debe estar en la colaboración para lograr el desarrollo, no en las individualidades.
Como vemos, la creación de una estrategia basada en el máximo uso de aplicaciones de la sociedad de la información, ha permitido que la pequeña Finlandia se encuentre entre los primeros países competitivos del mundo. Este si que es un interesante caso digno de imitar.
Miedo, enojo, tristeza: ¿Algo malo?

Presentación Exitosa
In each slide appeared a phrase and a ImagenR related, talked about issues like the economy, to the role of the family on growth and future generations, passing it the image of a happy family with a dog and a beautiful house would not see more and will be replaced by a man who lives alone, leave work, going to see your dog and let the fast food restaurants where you can go to socialize a little, watch TV and wait a while fortheir food, then eat, go home and watch TV and sleep with your dog to go to work the next day.
The work will not be the same we know so far, as the trend says it is not all it says the Chiefs, but that workers value their input, have their own opinion and not work eight hours in a company but will their efforts to work on more than one company, including your own.
It seems everything is going in this direction, but we must be clear about the role of family in this new society, because without it the world would be transformed into something totally individualistic and where I believe we turn away a bit of happiness to see results children grow and have a rich social life.
He also spoke of the particular case of Chile, where the birthrate is declining, divorces are more common than marriages and increasingly more immigrants arrive from neighboring countries .... by the year 2384 the country will be inhabited only by Peruvians, Bolivians and Argentines.
Another important point discussed was his position in favor of the merger between large firms in Chile, for example, spoke of the failed merger attempt between D & S and Falabella, which would have created one of the retailers most important in South America and had brought a lot of work and foreign exchangecountry. The National Economic Prosecutor (FNE) decided not to allow the fusion product of market concentration that would occur in Chile in the case provoked, but thinking long term, the position of Hans Eben is very true.
Changing the subject: for those who want to make a successful presentation and it costs a bit, the slides can play a big role, and that Hans was not a "cheerleader" or anything like that, he was a very experienced and knew make slides have a big role in his favor.
Now to find the appropriate words and images and to try to leave everyone stunned....
jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010
Responsabilidad Social
The talk was at a fairly accurate, since in the month of September is about to adopt the ISO 26 000 which has to do with this topic and you can see it at the National Institute of Standardization.
CSR is linked hand in hand with the concept of sustainable development, which is about how companies are creating value with good practice.
This highlights the ecological aspects, Social and Economic, where the main actors are: Environment, Employees, Community, Suppliers, Customers, Partners and Stakeholders in general.
It is said that a company has a good future if the company is well evaluated and has a good relationship with the actors mentioned recently.
Dante Pesce showed a graphic featured a company that had a steady increase in the level of profits and asked: Would you be willing to invest in this company ?..... Today, cash flow and projected income in the short term are not a sufficient condition to tell whether a company is good or bad investment alternative.
No doubt the economic aspect is a necessary, but we must also look at other aspects of the company as it relates to its surroundings and the people who have some degree of relationship with it.
To the extent that the company is properly cataloged and made good practice, have a good reputation that will allow you to keep your profits high and sustained over time.
However if it is a company that is making profits at the expense of others, who is likely to be injured, perhaps inadvertently in the present, in future it back and contribute to the demise of this company bad practices in the future.
While the above speaks only of companies, must take into consideration that the statement applies to all types of organizations and individual level.
It seems strange that just at this moment is so much in vogue this issue and has not been before.
Anyway courses who wish to write books about it or have a great opportunity in this decade to become a millionaire by a subject that is in the arena and on everyone's lips.
For more information read the wikipedia article on Sustainable Development
Tres hechos importantes del 2010 en Chile
It approaches the bicentennial of our independence from Spain in 2010 and have occurred three events which have marked our history:
The first was the election of a president who I believe went into effect around the country to democracy.
This is the first time after the end of the military government of General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte Captain, changing to another coalition government different from the Coalition of Parties for Democracy.
Last year, to be honest I did not think it would be something like what occurred in the results of the vote, but fortunately for the country there was a change of government that showed us that we are civilized and political and social stability .
The second event was the earthquake on the 27th of February that resulted in hundreds dead and thousands homeless and unemployed.
We showed that we do not have a conscience as clean and which are people trying to abuse the rest.
These people are looters, who stole things without extreme and who built certain kinds of buildings without the relevant legislation that would ensure a resistance to an earthquake of such magnitude.
Fortunately, the country had the capacity to respond, each donating a certain amount of money, and where companies took an important role in financing the reconstruction and not complaining mostly by an increase in income tax that would finance the reconstruction of Chile.
Finally negligence occurs both in private and in public authorities that led to a collapse occurred in a country that had waiting for thirty-three miners appear alive.
Thanks to a good act of the authorities and companies that decided to have their support, along with excellent coordination and organization by the group that was underground all has gone well so far and have been able to communicate, receive food, medical , clothing and entertainment.
In short we can conclude that the Chilean people, little by little is overcoming past divisions, which is able to organize effectively to adverse situations, which is extremely supportive and proud of what he has.
The road is long to reach the development, as well organize despite adverse conditions, many people still not instituted, it is not known to communicate, that does not optimize his time who does not minimize their risks and not know how to take calculated risks . If everyone had those feature you I have no doubt we'd be in a much better and that is what must be done without offending or without feel bad that these practices are not internalized.
Just saying that you can motivate be better .... SAYING THAT HE IS NEVER WRONG....