Lo que viene del exterior son las Oportunidades y las Amenazas y lo que viene del interior del negocio, proyecto o emprendimiento, o lo que sea son las Fortalezas y las debilidades.
Esto se puede aplicar incluso a la vida propia, y permite tener más claro lo que se debe hacer y obstáculos que se pueden superar para lograr los objetivos.
Generalmente se presenta en una matriz, pero es preferible escribirlo detalladamente antes de resumirlo, ya que la información que se entrega es abundante.
La idea es presentarlo de la siguiente forma:
Medio Interno
Medio Externo
Hay que tener siempre presente que se debe alinear lo presentado con los objetivos que se persiguen y los objetivos alinearlos con la visión (Que se explicó en una entrada llamada misión y visión).
Por lo tanto se deben tomar las estrategias adecuadas para poder llegar a los objetivos, según lo detalla la imagen de la presente entrada.
English by Google translate
This analysis is also a summary of words that are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are separated depending on whether the external world or the inner world.
What comes from the outside are the Threats and Opportunities and what comes from inside the business, project or enterprise, or whatever are the strengths and weaknesses.
This applies even to life itself, and allows for more clear what to do and obstacles can be overcome to achieve the objectives.
It usually occurs in an array, but it is better to write in detail before summarize, since the information given is abundant.
The idea is to present it as follows:
Internal Environment
External Environment
Always keep in mind that what is presented should be aligned with the objectives pursued and the objectives align with the vision (explained in an entry called mission and vision).
Therefore it should take appropriate strategies to reach the objectives, as detailed in the image of this entry.
What comes from the outside are the Threats and Opportunities and what comes from inside the business, project or enterprise, or whatever are the strengths and weaknesses.
This applies even to life itself, and allows for more clear what to do and obstacles can be overcome to achieve the objectives.
It usually occurs in an array, but it is better to write in detail before summarize, since the information given is abundant.
The idea is to present it as follows:
Internal Environment
External Environment
Always keep in mind that what is presented should be aligned with the objectives pursued and the objectives align with the vision (explained in an entry called mission and vision).
Therefore it should take appropriate strategies to reach the objectives, as detailed in the image of this entry.
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