En una conferencia tuve la suerte de conocer a un amigo emprendedor llamado Ignacio Bugueño, el cual me invitó a participar a un interesante proyecto, en el cual estamos trabajando ahora.
En dicho proyecto postulamos a la incubadora de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Valparaíso llamada 3IE en la que lamentablemente nos fue mal: ¿El motivo?, Bajas barreras de entrada y no hay ninguna creación de tecnología por parte de los emprendedores.
Si bien es cierto que se está implementando tecnología ya existente y no estamos descubriendo el fuego ni creando la rueda, ni tampoco un equipo de radio ni algún programa informático. Lo que hacemos es innovador por definición, ya que innovar es crear o modificar algo ya existente e introducirlo en el mercado. Por lo tanto nuestro proyecto que consiste en usar ciertas bondades que tienen la tecnología para satisfacer necesidades, especialmente de las personas con menores ingresos en un país en el que la distribución de ingresos es bastante desigual no ha sido atractivo para poder ser apoyado por una incubadora.
He visto que la misma tónica se repite en otros casos y que a veces se dejan proyectos con poco potencial de crecimiento y que tan sólo son invenciones, pero con pocas aplicaciones.
El esfuerzo gubernamental por potenciar el emprendimiento es claro. Pero según lo que constatamos hay una parte de la cadena que no funciona correctamente y esa parte es la del final, en donde no se mide a los proyectos por su potencial para satisfacer necesidades ni potencial como negocio, sino que se toman en cuenta según los requisitos específicos que se cumplan y estos deben estar alineados con la misión y visión de la incubadora.
Creo que hay algo que debe cambiar en los procesos de selección con tal de que no se dejen proyectos interesantes de lado.
At a conference I was lucky to meet a friend Bugueño entrepreneur named Ignacio, who invited me to attend an interesting project in which we are working now.
In this project we postulate to the hatchery at the Technical University Federico Santa Maria de Valparaiso called 3IE where unfortunately we were wrong: Why?, Low entry barriers and there is no creation of technology by entrepreneurs.
While it is true that we are implementing existing technology and we are not discovering the fire or creating the wheel, nor a radio or a computer program. What we do is innovative by definition, since innovation is creating or modifying something that already existed and put it on the market. Therefore, our project is to use certain benefits that have the technology to satisfy needs, especially people with lower incomes in a country where income distribution is quite uneven has not been attractive to be supported by an incubator .
I've seen the same trend is repeated in other cases and that projects are sometimes left with little growth potential and that they are only inventions, but with few applications.
The government effort to boost the venture is clear. But according to what we see is a part of the chain is not working properly and that part is the end, where no project is measured by its potential to meet needs or potential as a business, but take into account according to specific requirements are met and these must be aligned with the mission and vision of the incubator.
I think there is something that must change in the selection process provided that interesting projects are not left behind.
In this project we postulate to the hatchery at the Technical University Federico Santa Maria de Valparaiso called 3IE where unfortunately we were wrong: Why?, Low entry barriers and there is no creation of technology by entrepreneurs.
While it is true that we are implementing existing technology and we are not discovering the fire or creating the wheel, nor a radio or a computer program. What we do is innovative by definition, since innovation is creating or modifying something that already existed and put it on the market. Therefore, our project is to use certain benefits that have the technology to satisfy needs, especially people with lower incomes in a country where income distribution is quite uneven has not been attractive to be supported by an incubator .
I've seen the same trend is repeated in other cases and that projects are sometimes left with little growth potential and that they are only inventions, but with few applications.
The government effort to boost the venture is clear. But according to what we see is a part of the chain is not working properly and that part is the end, where no project is measured by its potential to meet needs or potential as a business, but take into account according to specific requirements are met and these must be aligned with the mission and vision of the incubator.
I think there is something that must change in the selection process provided that interesting projects are not left behind.
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