La verdad es que casi no veo televisión dado que no tengo televisión por cable y me gusta ser yo quién guía la información que ingrese a mi cerebro.
Pero ayer no tengo idea por qué motivo comencé a ver el programa Enigma de Televisión Nacional de Chile, el canal de todos los chilenos.
En dicho programa se mostraba la historia macabra del dealer de Claudio Spiniak.
El nombre de esa persona era Patricio Egaña, quién sin duda era un hombre sin moral, sin valores y cuyo único objetivo era hacer mal a la sociedad.
Afortunadamente a mi juicio dicha persona fue asesinada.
Pero eso no es el tema de esta entrada.
El tema es lo que se muestra en televisión y el aporte que hacen a que el país marche hacia el objetivo que buscamos todos, el cual es la felicidad.
Programas como ese pueden deformar la mente de las personas que ya tengan el criterio formado, ya que ahora todo parece normal.
Mucho peor es el efecto en caso de que lo vea alguien que no tenga su criterio formado, quien puede tomar como ejemplo o escudo las acciones que ejercen personas como Egaña.
Mucho mejor puede ser presentar programas donde se nos inculquen valores, como la fraternidad, el ayudar al desvalido, el emprendimiento, la lucha por lograr objetivos que aporten a nuestra realización como personas.
Creo que hay muchos protagonistas positivos que podría tener la televisión en sus programas y que el raitng no bajaría.
Además debería plantearse una visión de país y que todas las instituciones del estado tracen sus visiones alineadas con esta visión general de lo que queremos construir como país.
Claramente no se ven objetivos alineados y que los objetivos particulares son sólo cifras.
Las cifras son indicadores de gestión, pero no tienen que ser la visión.
The truth is that almost did not watch TV because I have no cable TV and I like to be me who leads the information you enter into my brain.
But yesterday I have no idea why I started watching the show Enigma Chilean National Television, the channel of all Chileans.
This program showed the macabre story of Claudio Spiniak dealer.
The person's name was Patrick Egan, who undoubtedly was a man without morals, no values, whose sole purpose was to harm society.
Fortunately I believe that person was murdered.
But that's not the topic of this post.
The issue is what is shown on television and the contribution they make to the country's march towards the goal we all seek, which is happiness.
Programs like this can warp the minds of people who already have formed the view, and now everything seems normal.
Much worse is the effect if you see someone who has not formed its opinion, who can take as an example or shield the actions that put people like Egaña.
Much better can be present programs where we instill values such as brotherhood, helping the helpless, entrepreneurship, the struggle to achieve objectives that contribute to our fulfillment as persons.
I think there are many actors could have positive television programs and that would not fall raitng.
It should also consider a vision of the country and that all state institutions map out their vision aligned with this overview of what we build as a country.
Are clearly not aligned goals and specific objectives are just numbers.
The figures are indicative of management but need not be the vision.
But yesterday I have no idea why I started watching the show Enigma Chilean National Television, the channel of all Chileans.
This program showed the macabre story of Claudio Spiniak dealer.
The person's name was Patrick Egan, who undoubtedly was a man without morals, no values, whose sole purpose was to harm society.
Fortunately I believe that person was murdered.
But that's not the topic of this post.
The issue is what is shown on television and the contribution they make to the country's march towards the goal we all seek, which is happiness.
Programs like this can warp the minds of people who already have formed the view, and now everything seems normal.
Much worse is the effect if you see someone who has not formed its opinion, who can take as an example or shield the actions that put people like Egaña.
Much better can be present programs where we instill values such as brotherhood, helping the helpless, entrepreneurship, the struggle to achieve objectives that contribute to our fulfillment as persons.
I think there are many actors could have positive television programs and that would not fall raitng.
It should also consider a vision of the country and that all state institutions map out their vision aligned with this overview of what we build as a country.
Are clearly not aligned goals and specific objectives are just numbers.
The figures are indicative of management but need not be the vision.
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